Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Beginnings!

Here's to new beginnings! As we launch our small bookstore and recommend various reading lists please know we are experts only in that we are Bibliovores and lovers of great books. This is a work in progress and as such we are open to input and suggestions!

Please feel free to leave book suggestions on the SUGGESTIONS page and give your personal book reviews on the BOOK REVIEWS page in the comments section. We would also love to hear what you have to say about how we are doing on the FEEDBACK page in the comment section as well. Also, you can contact us here or by going to the CONTACT US page.

We will have links to various reading options - hard copy as well as eBook - and hope you will find the versions you are looking for. Enjoy your browsing - and here's to becoming the person you are meant to be - THE BEST YOU!